Sonia Kim, PhD
Executive Director, Querrey InQbation Lab
Phone: (847) 467-0446
Sonia focuses on marketing strategies for new innovations and promoting INVO services within the University and its technologies to industry. She organizes INVO seminars and clinics for Northwestern faculty, staff and students on topics ranging from protecting intellectual property to commercializing technologies and exploring entrepreneurship. She works to increase the awareness of university research and technologies through active marketing, newsletters and social media. Sonia also oversees educational programs like the INVO Practicum, an internship open to Northwestern scientists who are interested in developing non-bench skills, like assessing university technologies for patentability and marketability. Prior to joining INVO, Sonia worked for the Office of Technology Licensing at Stanford University for four years as a science writer and marketing consultant.
Sonia has a SB in Biology from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a MEd from Harvard School of Education, and a PhD in Cell Biology from Harvard University.